About Us
Launched in 2013, Canva is an online design and visual communication platform with a mission to empower everyone in the world to design anything and publish anywhere.
Our global community of users has already created over 25 billion designs in Canva, but we’re just getting started. We still have huge goals we want to achieve, so if you’re ready to help solve some of our most complex and exciting challenges, come and join us.
Have outsized impact
Our Two-Step Plan has been a core part of our DNA from the very beginning. Simply put, it means that as the value of our company grows, so too do our resources and our ability to have a positive impact on the world.
Every time a new team member joins Canva, launches a product, or achieves a goal, their work contributes to both Step 1 and Step 2. So when you join Canva the opportunities to have outsized impact are huge.